Diana Clark Talks “Good Enough” Parenting and Raising Successful Children
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Diana Clark, a seasoned expert in mental health and parenting, talks about a concept that we think needs more air time, the 50-year old notion of “Good Enough” parenting. Diana is a fan, and we go in depth about the idea of embracing our own imperfection and allowing our kids to experience discomfort and learn from their mistakes. It means taking our foot off the gas, which goes against the helicopter parenting norm of our generation. To sum up, Diana thinks parents should do A LOT less, and kids should do A LOT more. It all sounded really good in theory, after all, I don’t know about you, but I’m TIRED. Don’t miss our conversation to find out HOW to be a Good Enough parent.
Brought to you by Tutor Corps and Pacific Preparatory.
About our guest:
Diana Clark, JD, MA., is the President of O’Connor Professional Group. She is a renowned family recovery advocate in the field of addiction and mental health treatment. With a Master’s Degree in Psychology from Antioch New England Graduate School in 1997, Diana has been aiding families during times of turmoil for over 20 years. Prior to her work in the mental health field, Diana was a practicing labor and employment attorney advising employers in the implementation of clear and compassionate policies. As a specialist in both family systems and parenting, Diana is a recognized force of clear speech, logic and loving acceptance, and has helped thousands of family members establish healthy boundaries, manage expectations appropriately, and develop plans for their families. Diana has developed and facilitated numerous workshops for families and professionals and is also the co-host on the podcast Beyond the Balance Sheet and the author of the book: Addiction Recovery: A Family’s Journey, which offers guidance for family members of those struggling with substance use disorders and mental health concerns.
Find her at:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-clark-jd-ma-02128031/
Website: https://oconnorpg.com/
Resources mentioned in the episode:
The Child, The Family And The Outside World, D.W. Winnicott
Your Turn: How to be an Adult, Julie Lythcott-Haims
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives , William Stixrud PhD & Ned Johnson